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ICU Academy

Inspiring Children Universally

​  I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

                                                                                                                                                                                  ~Lao Tzu 





Based in the United Kingdom, the ICU Academy was founded by Nicola Farmer, to assist children to become the best version of themselves, align them with their future and offer them a start in life that many generations before them didn’t have the opportunity to experience.


Children are seen by independent teachers individually in their home location. The "Academy" is the title of the organization thatoversees the training and ongoing support of the teachers from all around the World.


The Academy consists of many heart centred people all with one purpose. We are a CommUnity of people who love children and are guided to assist the children of this planet as part of a grand plan. Earth has been transitioning for thousands of years and it is close to moving into the realms where it belongs. Where love, peace and cooperation with all life prevails.


Our children are the future generations who can and will lead us into the light of peace, harmony and new ways.

The ICU Programme prepares children to align with their purpose, to manage the current educational systems, navigate their way through the changes and deliver their unique gifts and abilities with Grace & Ease.



ICU Academy - New Mexico


Patrice Carbaugh - ICU Awareness Program Teacher/Facilitator


ALL children everywhere need this type of guidance and teaching. It is an honor and a privilege to work with the children of New Mexico, to work with their natural abilities and bring this new teaching to them. 

ICU stands for Inspiring Children Universally.  There are many ways to teach children, other than the traditional educational ways. Nurturing their mind, body and soul can assist them now and in the future in more ways than some perceive to be possible.


I promise to bring my passion to this work. As each child is empowered to become more conscious in the world, so they affect a much wider community. This work offers a very real opportunity to challenge and break the cycles of inherited unconscious behavior that have inadvertently been handed down through the ages. Imagine what impact a generation of conscious, balanced, heart-cantered adults might have upon our future.



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